A welcome Message from the President

On behalf of the executive and entire members of Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN), I sincerely welcome you to this website. This is an updated website of our great Society. The Science of Anatomy in Nigeria presently has evolved beyond the teaching of Anatomy as Gross Anatomy, basic Histology and basic Embryology to Medical Students and Allied Health Sciences. Anatomical Sciences has several branches and areas of applications including the following; Human genetics, Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Science, Mortuary Science and Funeral Directing, Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproductive Technology, Esthetics and Cosmetology, Histochemistry, Biological Anthropology and Histometry, Sport’s Anatomy, Prosthetics to mention a few.
The Revised curriculum for the B.SC, MSC and PhD programmes will be posted on this website. The Society advocates that Departments adjust their curriculum to accommodate these courses that are entrepreneurial. The courses are designed to provide self employment or otherwise enable graduates of Anatomy to gain employment in relevant institutions in the public and private sectors. Dear colleagues, very useful information should be posted on this website for the benefit of all members. You are all welcome.
Thank you
~ Prof. S.B Danborno FASN, ITF+
President, Anatomical Society of Nigeria (ASN)
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Upcoming Events

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