Anthropometric Study of the Index (2nd) and Ring (4th) Digits in the Igala Ethnic Group of Nigeria
The anthropometric study of the index and ring fingers of the lgala ethnic group of Nigeria was carried out to determine the values of the 2ndand 4thdigit ratios and to see their correlation with other anthropometric variables. Six hundred and two adolescents secondary school students between the ages of 13-19 years were recruited in this study, three hundred and twenty-two were females and two hundred and eighty were males. The index (2nd) and ring (4th) digits length were measured using a Vernier caliper, the height and the weight were also measured. The 2D:4D were determined for each subject while the height and weight were used to calculate the BMI. The result showed significant difference (p<0.05) in 2D:4D between males and females. The male subjects had longer fourth (4D) and shorter second (2D) digits length with lower digit ratio while the female subjects had shorter fourth (4D) and longer second (2D) digits length with higher digit ratio. The result confirms that digit ratio is sexually dimorphic and there was a positive correlation between height, weight, and BMI with digit lengths in both males and females but the 2D:4D had no relationship to height, weight or BMI.
Key Words: 2D:4D digit ratios, finger, Igala tribe, height, weight