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The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Calyx of Hibiscus sabdariffa on the Testis of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Adult Wistar Rat

Ezejindu D. N., Ugwuja J. O., *Nnama N. G., Okafor E. C., Enemuo I. C.

The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Calyx of Hibiscus sabdariffa on the Testis of Alloxan-induced Diabetic Adult Wistar Rat

Diabetes mellitus contributes to male sexual dysfunction and infertility by causing oxidative damage to the testis. Over the years, the use of herbs like Hibiscus sabdariffa for the treatment of ailments has garnered worldwide recognition. However, its impact on male infertility due to Type1 diabetes is not clear, hence, this study. Twenty adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups of five animals each. Group A was given normal rat feed and water as the Control; Group B was administered 120 mg/kg body weight of Alloxan Monohydrate, Group C was administered 200 mg/kg body weight of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf extract, Group D was administered 120 mg/kg body weight of Alloxan monohydrate + 200 mg/kg body weight of Hibiscus sabdariffa leaf extract. All the treatments were given daily orally. Twenty-four hours after the last administration, the animals were anesthetized under chloroform and dissected. The testicular tissues were harvested, weighed and fixed in 10% formal saline for histological studies. Sperm cells were obtained from the epididymis for analysis of sperm quality. The analysis of sperm morphology, sperm motility and sperm count showed better outcome in treatment with Hibiscus sabdariffa compared with diabetes-induced rats. Rats treated with Hibiscus sabdariffa following diabetes induction revealed fewer lesions and damage of the testicular tissue compared to the diabetic rats. The findings of this study suggest that the aqueous leaf extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa has the potential to help in the management of male infertility due to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

Key Words: Type 1 diabetes mellitus, Hibiscus sabdariffa, alloxan monohydrate

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